Welcome to my blogS!
All of my life, I was connected to those who had crossed over (to God). It was very normal and natural to me. I will explain the details in a future blog post but for now, that's the back story. :)
In my mid-30's, I was Blessed to work at our church. For 8 years, I was enraptured in the role of Director of Children's & Youth Ministries. Our church, that program and those kids/families became my entire world. My husband co-Directed and we taught side-by-side. All 5 of our children were in the program at one time or another; to one extent or another. Those years were some of the very best times of my life and absolutely some of the worse times of my life. It was a time of pure growth. I was brought up Roman Italian Catholic (school and all) ~ My husband was brought up Presbyterian. We ended up becoming members of and taught at a United Methodist Church. Interesting, uh? :) In any faith circle, I did not feel comfortable to even mention my Sensitivities. I'm sure anyone reading this can understand. So, while growing up, I shut them down. i noticed though, in particular while working at my home church during those eight years, my intuition grew exponentially. And no, it wasn't like I would be in the building at night and saw things or heard anything - I just could feel myself gaining a real relationship with God. One that would eventually overpower anything "Earthly". I felt as if He was really forcing me to grow. It felt a bit unnerving to me, I admit! As time went on, it was as if He kicked open very large, double doors to my soul! I was receiving information, clarification, even "video images" in my mind of certain situations and conversations. In many ways, my soul was coming alive again. A few times, i received messages from Spirit (those who have crossed over) in my dreams. Sidenote: I believe we receive messages in dreamstate because it's simply easier, less frightening. :) I remember one 'dream', in particular, towards the end of those 8 years. I was visiting with a man who clearly told me who he was - showed me what he looked like while here in his physical state a long time ago. He wanted me to wish his wife a very Happy Birthday. She was turning 91, if I remember correctly. He kept showing me the exact flowers he wanted to present to her - he said the words "peaches and cream" to me over and over again (probably so I wouldn't forget!). He even went as far as showing me the piano which was at her home and the very small booklets that were displayed across that piano. He also showed me his arms stretched out wide as if he was welcoming her home - although, he stood in the front doors of our church. He also was very adamant that I call her and give her his message "before 8:30am"! I mean "BEFORE 8:30am!!" Although, he was very sweet about it... :) When I awoke that morning, I was afraid. You see, this wonderful man happened to say he is the father of my friend - who is also one of the pillars of our church. I would have to really trust in God that I would be 'safe' and that my friend (and her mother) would accept this message. Then I had to trust that I would not be ridiculed or scorned - or fired. I had a LOT to think about. But the whole time I was "thinking/pondering/shaking" his words of "Before 8:30am" took precedence! So, I gave all caution to the wind, said a prayer, and called my friend. Yes, just before 8:30am. I explained quickly that I do sometimes "have these weird dreams" but felt a strong need to pass along 'these messages' - and thus, I did. My friend was very kind to me and explained that yes, indeed it was her mother's birthday today and "it's a good thing you got a hold of me now because I am taking her to get her hair done at 8:30 and we'll probably be gone all day!" ;) That Sunday while at Worship, my friend came to me during a hymn with tears, hugged me and thanked me for our conversation. You see, apparently every word was confirmed. The flowers were her mother's favorite, the 'peaches and cream' sang love notes to her ears, and the piano apparently does don lovely small booklets, on display. She explained to me how much her mother's heart opened and smiled. She used words like "blessed" and "healing" to describe the experience. My heart pounded - with delight and happiness for them both! As it turned out, that was her mother's last birthday here in the physical world. I had a feeling that was why her husband was spreading his arms wide in welcoming. Although, I'm glad I never mentioned my suspicions. Only a few other times did I received strong messages and felt brave enough to share with those close friends/members of our congregation after that point, not to mention the mail lady, a fellow grocery-shopper and a friend of one of my older children. I was honest in expressing my fears and my life-long Sensitivities to each person. I did see a few other Spirits alongside some sons and daughters but I knew when to speak of it - and when to swallow it. I said many prayers of forgiveness when I did not talk. :) I felt so bad but there were times back then that I could just not do it. As I close this blog up, you may be wondering, "Were you ever found out? Ever ridiculed?" Yes. And even with that, God's Hand was guiding the process. I am sure of it. You see, remember that vacation I spoke about in my first blog's story? Well, while on that particular vacation, we made the decision to move there. On the long drive home, after placing a PO in on a home, I began to rethink our very spontaneous-seeming decision! I was having panic attacks the whole drive, praying to God to give me answers. The day after we arrived home, I found out that while I was away those 10 days, one very out-spoken person in our congregation 'found out', spoke negatively about my Gifts to many people within the Pastor's downline - and yes, to our Pastor himself. This person was putting the heat on for my resignation for I was "of the devil". Well, at least that's what I heard. This person never did come to me, as I do remember the Bible recommending ;) I did ask for such communication and conversation but nothing. And even though most did come to me and talk - and at least tried to understand, demonstrating His Love - I knew it was God's way of saying, "time to move on now". So, I did. And if I hadn't continued on with our move decision, I would not be where I am today - at Peace and doing what I must have been built to do afterall. And every time I question myself, He gives me an uplifting and undeniable answer. 'Cuz you know, as I like to say, "He's good like that." :) The following is the very first REAL experience I had in many, many years that absolutely propelled me to move forward as a Medium, professionally. For me personally, this experience blew away many doctrines that I learned along the way ~ almost 30 years melted in one afternoon. This experience taught me to "get out of my own way" - for it's not about me....it's about Healing. This took place exactly 12 months to our big move. ;) Please enjoy... My Visit from Jimmy August 2013 I was constantly aware of this “psychic ability,” but before I really knew what to do with it, I found myself interrupted while gardening one summer morning. No one was around me—or so I thought. I placed my hands in the dirt and packed more of that brown, wet, wormy stuff around my plant but I kept finding myself looking up to my left. This went on for about half an hour. I finally said, “Yes?” out loud even though no one was around. “I hear you! I even sort of SEE you. But who the heck are ya? And what am I supposed to do for you?” Immediately, I heard in my mind, “Jimmy” and “Can you talk to my wife please?” By impulse, I agreed. I had no idea what I agreed to, but I felt as if “Jimmy” meant business and probably wasn’t going to let me garden until I at least acknowledged him. I went into my home and sent out an email to the only four people who knew of my “sensitive side” (and seemed to still love me for it). In the email, I explained my new friend’s name, what he looked like, the fact he had a walking cane (on Earth at least he used one) and other details. One thing he also showed me was a vision of myself driving an SUV, not paying attention, veering into traffic and then–that was it. I woke back up from my strange daydream. Three of the email recipients responded back to me right away, none knowing who Jimmy was or could have been. It wasn’t until a few hours later I received a text from the last recipient (my step-mother) stating, “Hey, the guy your father bought his motorcycle from was named Jimmy and he used a cane. Died by suicide a year or two ago. I think he was driving a small car though.” That not only settled into my bones as a chilly spell but was also very ironic being that I was involved in a suicide prevention rally that coming weekend! This was all making sense to me now. Jimmy knew I was connected to the rally–I was connected to him through my father. I got it! Then came the hard part. I needed to contact his wife. I sat with my father first and discussed it with him. Naturally, his concern was if it was really Jimmy. In my bones and my soul, I absolutely knew it was. It’s always difficult to explain to anyone why I know; I just feel it. I found Jimmy’s wife Sarah on Facebook and messaged her with a quick note of who I am, the usual “I know this sounds strange, but…” and asked her to contact me on my cell if ever or when she felt comfortable to do so. Within five minutes of sending Jimmy’s wife, Sarah, a note on Facebook, she called me. I remember the feeling of excitement and anxiety all around Jimmy and myself. As we talked, she confirmed the details I described: his bad leg, cane, attributes, appearance, demeanor, the fact that he died in an SUV. People claimed he died of suicide, but Sarah and her son never believed it. Ever. As we chatted, Jimmy showed up. He was emphatic that he, in fact, did not take his own life. He would never do that to Sarah and his children. It’s just not in his loving nature to do something so selfish and he wanted to let her know once and for all. At this point, I felt all was well. I did my part and Sarah had her confirmation. I was ready to make dinner. However, spirits have their own agenda as I found these words pouring out of my mouth before my earthly brain could stop them… “He says he’s so sorry for the words he said just before he died. He never meant them. He was tired, exhausted really. There were so many things happening around the marriage that he couldn’t control and he acted purely out of frustration. Again, he is sorry. He loves you. He has always loved you.” When my earthly senses finally caught up, I squinted my eyes as if the sunlight was directly reaching into them. It hurt to “watch” this unfold. I could only hear Sarah sobbing on the other end of my phone. I asked myself–and Jimmy—what just happened? What did I just do? He seemed calm. I could hear his voice in my head saying, “Don’t think of what you just said. It’s not about you. This is about Sarah and me.” I let Sarah cry for a bit until I heard her muster the words, “He asked me for a divorce the day before he passed.” Shocked and completely confused I asked her to repeat what she said… and she did. Apparently, this is why friends would ask her what she was going to do. What would she tell people, as everyone assumed he passed by his own desire. But her love for Jimmy prevailed as well. She truly knew him. And his message came at a pivotal time in her life as she recently was asked out to dinner by a nice man. But her questions, her pain in all its physical and spiritual manifestations confused her and blurred her reasoning. Now, Jimmy released her with his forever love. It was a beautiful moment. Sarah caught up with me about a month later. She was beginning this new chapter in her life and was able to smile and laugh again. She began a new point of healing. Me too. I will always be grateful for Jimmy.
Hello and welcome! My name is Mary Rose and I am a professional Psychic Medium. Phew! **falls down laughing** That just tasted like vinegar in my mouth. LOL Where I come from, the word "Psychic" has evolved into such a bad connotation. But alas, there it is ~ I said it. I Wrote it. I like to say I am Sensitive. I am Sensitive to God's Word, to the very real Spirit world, to energy around me, to your aches and pains, to your happiness and excitement. And yes, I get a lot of questions regarding my Sensitive statements :) Thus my blog, "My Life as a Medium". I hope you continue to ask me questions - be as real and as raw as you need to be. That's the only way to truly connect with one another and get answers. And no, I don't have all the answers. I am just as amazed, most days, as my clients. But God is so good. He allows us so much insight when we Believe, keep to our Faith, and use the Gifts He's given us. That's my take! :) And these are my experiences. Being this is my very first Blog ever, I have a whole bunch of ideas spinning about my head. In future Blogs, I plan to talk about various Sensitive subjects. For examples: How did I know/come to realize I was a Medium? What does the Bible say about talking/communicating with the deceased? My child has 'this Gift'. What can I do? Why do Psychics charge fees if this is truly a Gift? Online Psychic Services; the good, the bad, the crazy! In-person readings vs telephone and/or chat (email)? How does the whole process 'work'? What do you actually see? "I bet your husband/family can't get away with anything, right?" ;) ...so many more! I also plan on sharing one true story per Blog (by permission, of course, names changed). I think that's so important - just as important as the words within the usual blog itself. Again, keep emailing me ([email protected]) - or comment below - with any questions and I will make sure I touch on every topic of interest at some point soon. In the meantime, please know that I do absolutely care for every client and only wish the best for each of you. May our Lord and Saviour continue to Bless you and keep you smiling...no matter what. You are so Loved. ~Mar. xo “I had to be sensitive about being a Sensitive” A true story of awakening by Mary Rose My mother-in-law Lena would never hear of ‘ghosts, spirits’, let alone ever join in on a ‘psychic’ conversation. She was brought up staunt Christian and I respected her very much for her beliefs and upbringing. At times, I would ‘see and sense’ things about her - messages from her parents, especially her father - but I would do my best to swallow. At times it was super difficult to ignore it all - yet I really had no choice. I had to keep the peace! For over 15 years, I kept that peace! :) In early 2014, we vacationed at their home out of state - just my husband and two of our children. It felt so wonderful, light and airy, and VERY spiritual. I should have noticed the set-up. I promised my husband I would not SAY anything ‘psychic’, ACT anything ‘psychic’ nor - God forbid - WORK psychically while at their home. If anyone has watched “Long Island Medium”, well, you can guestimate my pain. haha! But even though I felt as if I was taking shallow breathes, we still were enjoying the best time with them that we ever had! After a week, I was beginning to think I had it all under control. I honestly started having conversations at night with my husband about “maybe my gift is GONE!” as I was seeming to do a great job keeping it all in! It became a silent joke between the 2 of us. Although, I really did worry… ...Until one of our last nights there with them. I was sitting at the table with my husband and father-in-law Robert. Robert was talking about his old girlfriends back in the day! How he had a bunch of pictures of these “hotties” (haha!) and that he KNEW Lena had burned them all. Immediately, I could see the bundle of pictures in tact and told him, “she didn’t burn them. They’re still there.” He looked at me and laughed. After all, he KNOWS she burned them! My husband saw that look on my face, smiled at me and said, “dad...ask mom.” Robert yelled to Lena about the pictures. She was sitting in an adjoining room playing games and laughed at him saying she would never burn any of his things. Next thing I understand (because it’s all a big haze to me!), I blurted out the name “Lora Lynn”. All was silent. Then I heard Lena yell to me, “where the HECK did you get THAT name?” My body was numb! As you can imagine, I was almost catatonic! She asked again, “WHERE did you get that name from? WHO did you get that name from?” I could only point behind me and murmur the words “she said it”. At this point, my husband was getting up from the table, ready to pack it up and head home! lol Lena explained to us that her mother bought her a beautiful doll when Lena was a little girl. It was her favorite doll and she named her “Lara Lynn”. She always thought she’d name her daughters this but she only had sons. That name was always very special. Nothing more was said that night. It was time for bed anyway….phew! The next day, we were all sitting together enjoying our coffee when Lena began to ask a few questions about my ‘work’ experiences. I shared a few general stories with her and I could feel her Spirit opening up. That’s when her mother showed up with a ton of family behind her. Next thing I knew (and I really haven’t a clue as to how this began), I was describing her mother’s clothes; a pretty blue apron over a beautiful dress with a lace hemline. Her mother was sharing the fact that she was dancing and was able to wear dancing/heeled shoes! That seemed to be a big deal to her! One by one, she introduced me to Lena's uncles, her father, etc. So much information came and went and was validated. Over 2 hours passed and I was exhausted but then her mother rang a southern dinner bell and they all walked away. I thought our visit was complete until I looked to my left. There standing was a gorgeous young woman who apparently had been waiting this entire time to speak with us. I admit, she scared me for a moment because I never saw her there previously. Her energy was not like the others who had been present earlier. She was soft spoken and a bit nervous. So soft spoken in fact that I really had to listen closely to hear her. I told Lena of this woman and explained I could not hear her enough to get a name. That’s when I began to smell gas. I thought it was from the lawnmower outside and yelled to my husband about the strong odor. He came inside and confirmed he had not used it nor any gasoline that day. So I began to question this woman again. She just kept looking at Lena as if she was hoping to get a good response from her. It was as if she kept sheepishly asking, “do you see me, Lena? I’m right here. It’s okay. I am okay.” Suddenly, my mother-in-law asked, “Joan?!” The woman nodded her head yes to me and softly smiled. I also nodded to Lena. Joan talked to Lena about God, about her needing to forgive her in order to move on towards other chapters in Heaven. I sensed her need to connect with Lena, to feel her love and guidance, prayers. You see, before Joan passed, Lena begged her not to go out that evening. They were both in their late teens. Joan went out anyway and with a gentlemen Lena didn’t approve of her being with. Both Joan and this man died of accidental asphyxiation due to carbon monoxide poisoning while in his vehicle that evening. It has haunted Lena now for over 50 years. It was time for healing. Joan confirmed a dream visitation Lena had of her years back. That was a glorious affirmation! As they visited now, I could feel the layers of guilt and years melting off and a beautiful healthy glowing light was growing around them both. At the end of their visit, Joan was leaping with joy and her energy was extremely light and fun! The last thing Joan did before moving on was presenting Lena with what looked like a popsicle with a giant colorful bow on it. It was kinda’ neat as she curtsied in front of her with one in each hand, handing Lena one and keeping the other to herself. She smiled and left us at that moment. When I explained to my mil Joan’s actions, she told me ‘that was our thing! Each Friday we would get fudgesicles together! We loved doing that together!” A last wonderful gift. Since then, my relationship with Lena has flourished. I’ve never felt closer to her and she actually promotes me to friends as her daughter “who is a Christian Sensitive”. I like that title. :) |