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Yep. You read that right. Sometimes for me, Trusting God with life decisions is like going on an amusement park ride!
You walk into the "fun" park - maybe your family is in tow - and you look around at all the rides. Some rides make you smile; some make you cringe; some you just want to walk on past before someone tries to drag you on 'their' ride. If you have kids, you tell them how much FUN the ride will be! That they shouldn't ever be afraid! You encourage them to try it! Say things like, "you'll be glad you went on it" and "it's never so bad - just looks that way from here"! And then....it's your turn for the ride. Yikes. It's so much easier to teach about the ride - to describe the ride - to tell others to 'hang on'. But alas, it's your turn. You stare at it for a while. You look around at those who are going on - getting off. You conjure up all the ways it'll fail you. You really don't believe you'll get hurt, nor it'll really fail, but your doubts do creep in! Then you take a deep breath and enter. You lock yourself in and suddenly before you're really ready - you're off! Going up, you try to look straight ahead but you find yourself naturally look down! Then, you look around. You tell yourself how pretty the view is - even though you're ready to vomit. :) As you reach the top - you know what's coming. Down you go! Full speed ahead! YOU ARE NO LONGER IN CONTROL AT ALL ! You drop - you twist - you turn left, turn right! You bang your knees, bump your elbow! During that one, small section you feel as if "that was it?" No, it was not. You quickly realize you're only half way thru! You scream - you laugh - your hair is sooooo not even in the same shape when you started! LOL And then, it slows down. You're almost at the end of your ride. You pass the gate where there are 100s of others waiting in line for the same ride. Some, you surmise, will have a similar experience. Some will not. When you get off and exit, you tell yourself, "I did it". And you pause for a moment and smile. You MIGHT even think, "I wouldn't mind going on that again if I had to!" But in the end, you are safe and you are a changed person. You have more experience, that's for sure! And you thank Him for keeping you safe and for placing you somewhere, doing something you never would have guessed in a million years. His Plan was Perfect. Thank you for the ride, Father!
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