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I believe all people are created with complete goodness.
Let me state that again; I believe all people are created with complete goodness. Every person. Everywhere. Period. It is our individual choice weather we hide, divert, show a little glimpse or fully shine out this goodness; this Gold, if you will. Remember Play-Doh and it's line of 'crazy cuts'? You'd place the Play-Doh into the character thimbles and, in order for the "hair to grow", you'd use the pumper to sort of push it out. Fun stuff! Well ~ some of us have thrown our pumpers. haha! But not everybody... You see, in this scenario, the Play-Doh is the goodness. It is the Gold. Any child will agree with that! A child will go thru hours of the process* just to view the (ultimately) painless and quick result. They will be just as excited the 38th time they see "the hair grow out" as much as the first time! *He will first choose the perfect character thimble. Next, He carefully chooses the best color, the perfect size modeling compound; a.k.a. the goodness. ;) Then, with a huge smile and high hopes, He fills the character thimble with it's "Gold". He is SO EXCITED by this point because He KNOWS that the shape will be transformed soon and it, most likely, won't even be recognizable after this point! Wow!!! Now ~ Go back and re-read the above* by recognizing what God has done within each of us when He created us. The pumper piece? Well, we were each Gifted with many of those things! You see, our Gold coming to light, our goodness, is as diverse a process as our lives themselves. We may show a little goodness when we first discover a talent. We may show a little more when we first feel love from someone. We may really show more once we learn to trust and to love someone, in return. Sometimes it takes someone else to bring it out of us - thru their generosity and actions ~ a word or a song. I know a few friends who admit they had no idea until they had a child (how much love they were equipped to handle!). Beyond my own four children, it is within the funny memes my best friend sends to me as well as the random texts saying "I miss u" along with surprise cheesecake and joyrides with music blasting that has done it for this girl! ALL of these examples can remind us that we are good. We are FULL of goodness. We are worthy. We are worth loving and being loved. And it all keeps us going. What if you don't feel your goodness will ever (fully) shine out? If you're the one who just muttered that question in your head, it just came out. For you are humble. That's a great sign, my friend. :) If your mind is currently wandering towards someone who has scorned you or hurt you in your past....say "thank you" to them. They were most likely a teacher to you. A lesson you won't forget. A stepping stone that placed you (back) on your way to what you truly want in this life. A reminder. But make no mistake - they are also full of goodness. They are also God's Child. Today is the day to let it all go. The past hurts, the future fears (God is not fear) and your goodness/your Gold. Do something fabulous for someone - and something for yourself too. OK. Eyes on your own paper now. Go forward and Shine out your Gold. XO
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